Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Well folks, it's that time of year when it's time to take some time and recognize all the hard work, dedication, and endless bounds of love that mothers around the world provide to their children.  Today is the day where moms should get to relax and have things done for them, where their children come to visit and have lunch or dinner and just relax with good ol' mom.  Some will do this, others, like myself will call due to the distance, others will have a moment of reflection as their moms have passed onto another place.  The point is whether or not your mom is still walking this Earth it's important to stop and remember that you are who you are because of her.  When you fell down as a child who kissed it and made it all better?  Who was proud of you at your 2nd grade school play when you were just a tree?  When you broke the rules who grounded you and taught you the importance boundaries?  Who helped you get back on your feet when you realized the consequences of bad decisions?  Who else on the planet has the heart to tell you "I don't have to agree with everything you do, but you're my child and I love you no matter what."  Only a mother has the patience and heart to withstand all your ups and downs.  At least that's how it is in my world.  Unfortunately some people don't have a mother they can count on, but I bet they know someone who acted like a mother to them, someone they can stop and say "Thank you for everything you did for me"

My mom may be 600 miles away but she's always there for me when I need her.  I may be 29 but I don't think I'll ever stop needing my mother in some capacity.  Sure I'm married, have a good job, a house, and some dogs, but sometimes you just need to talk to mom, because she understands.

I love you mom and Happy Mother's Day!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you J.R. You know how much I love you too! You just made my day and yes, I am a little teary. I miss you guys!
