Saturday, May 8, 2010

The world owes you what exactly?

Life just plain sucks!  Now hear me out here, we get up in the morning tired, go to work where we are treated like dogs for 8 to 12 hours out of our day, go home exhausted and have to deal with the pile of crap that accumulated while we were gone, then go to bed knowing the next morning is just going to be the same.  If that isn't bad enough then 10 years later we realize we're still in the same rut we've been in for what seems like an eternity.  We pay the bills, mortgage, school costs for the children, taxes to Uncle Sam, sometimes we wonder where the money is going to come from, stressed out all the time we ask "Where the F*** is mine, when do I get what's coming to me!?"

Now, let's sit back for a minute and look at all that, really take it in.  Is that your outlook on life?  Sure it's easier to blame your problems on your neighbor, boss, friend, God, basically anyone but yourself, but once you start doing this it becomes a cycle.  Soon enough your entire life sucks, you're not happy at work, your marriage starts go get rocky, you stop hanging out with friends.  Not only that but you keep perpetuating the behavior because it's easier than trying to turn it around.  What's worse is that so many people have this outlook that it affects those around them who not only pick up on it, but begin to exhibit the behavior pattern themselves.  Basically we've become an angry, needy, hateful baby that needs to be put down before it grows up to become the Anti-Christ.  Sounds awesome doesn't it?

HOWEVER, there is something you can do.  Crack a smile.  That's it, it's just that simple.  Start with one small smile at your wife/husband, children, neighbor, co-worker, hell even the Fed-Ex guy it doesn't matter who it is, the point is your one nice gesture will if even for a fraction of a second brighten someone's day including your own.  It doesn't seem like much, but that one small action so long as you mean it, can trigger a change that becomes just as addictive as a destructive lifestyle.  That change, being frigging happy.  I have a friend on Facebook who posts a positive message just about every day and what is that message?  "Today is the best day of my life"  Always first thing in the morning, because it sets the tone for the entire day.  Maybe he'll get yelled while at work, doesn't matter, maybe someone cuts him off on the interstate, doesn't matter.  He's accepted that the only person in control of his life is himself and that his attitude has the power to shape everything around him.  I have to admit I do admire his outlook,so much that I've taken to using it to change my own outlook and since I have well, life is good...  Things that used to bother me don't I just shrug them off, sure I still get angry at stuff but it's an in the moment kind of thing, once it's past it's gone, no need to carry it with me the rest of the day.

The point of all this is that sure life isn't full of sunshine and rainbows, there are barriers and roadblocks throughout all of life, but it's how you choose to approach them, how you choose to let them affect you that defines your life.  Sure life isn't fair, but that doesn't mean that it can't be fun, you may not be able to control everything that happens to you, but you have total control over your attitude and how you treat others.  So crack a smile once in a while, I hear it's even healthy for ya.  So the world owes you what exactly?  Well the answer may surprise you, it's nothing.  Life is unpredictable, it gives and takes as it pleases, but it never owes anyone anything, so sit back, relax and chill, as a wise man once said "Don't worry, be Happy!"